Closed Captioning – What’s the Real Deal?

By |2021-01-14T12:10:13-08:00April 15th, 2019|Industry News, Live Streamng, Technology Innovations|0 Comments

Are you getting marketing emails from companies telling you that Section 508 went into effect this year?  They’re saying that governments live streaming or recording public meetings now need closed captioning to be compliant?  What is the real deal?

What this is referring to is the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA).  The CVAA now requires closed captioning for online video content that was originally broadcast on TV with captions. The CVAA does not cover video content that aired only online and never on television.  Some companies’ marketing communications have been a bit misleading in this regard.

Even though these requirements do not pertain to your public meetings recorded and streamed online only, we are currently building a closed captioning service within AV Capture to meet the needs of users with disabilities.  We plan to launch our closed captioning service in early 2021.  If you have interest in this service, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

For more information covering the CVAA requirements, here is a good resource from the FCC:

Now you know the real deal.

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